10 Tips for Winter Organizing and DIY Project Idea’s

A Blog to help us work our way through the winter with some creative organizing tips.

1.                    Deck the Halls

It is the time of year where our front entrance ways will be overwhelmed with mitts, hats, and scarves.  Purchase sturdy plastic containers to house these items. The top shelf of the front hall closet is a neat hideaway. No front hall closet? No problem sturdy containers with lids stored under a hall table will work just fine. Label the outside of each box with article type or by person.

Storing boxes for children within arm’s reach helps them participate in keeping organized.

2.                   Out With the Old , In With  the New

Receiving gifts is a wonderful part of this Holiday season but we must be prepared. A new sweater is a great thing but not if you don’t have the space for it. With the changing of the seasons do a quick closet clean out.  Be honest with yourself if you haven’t worn it in 1 – 2yrs chances are you never will. Donate to a local charity and make room for that new sweater on your wish list.

3.                   Beds Aren’t Just For Sleeping…

Often overlooked under the bed is a great place to store seasonal clothing.  The reason is proximity to the closet. The closer it is the more likely we will do it. Who wants to pull everything out of storage from the basement every six months? Not me! Keeping winter items such as long sleeves, sweaters, and winter pants in storage in the summer seasons gives us more room in our closets to keep organized and find our clothing easier. The same is true when it is winter.


4.                   Making a List and Checking It Twice

You have to make time to save time. What I mean is take some time for yourself and write down your list of people to buy for.  Once you have your list write down what it is you will be buying for them. Now that you have your list, stick with it.

If we know in advance what it is we need to get the less likely we will be to purchase spontaneous gifts that add to the expense of the Holidays. Knowing in advance also alleviates the pressure of last minute shopping.

5.                    An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away….

And so does medicine. Now is the time to take stock of what is in our medicine cabinets. Take inventory of what you have and what you need. Don’t forget to check those expiry dates.

Remember if you need to get rid of unused medicine don’t dump it down the drain or throw in the garbage. Bring to your Pharmacist for safe disposal.


6.                  Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Preparing for winter means we will be cozying up to the fire or enjoying the comforts of a warm home.  Don’t get left out in the cold.  Now is the time to have your heating equipment inspected and complete the annual filter change.  This should also include maintenance on your gas or wood fireplace.

7.                   Silver Bells, Silver Bells

Keep your ornaments safe for use year after year.  Most stores carry containers to store holiday ornaments. If you are not worried about having fancy containers to stick in a storage area then here are two simple DIY Projects you can do at home.

  • Hot-glue paper cups to cardboard and place in a plastic container. Tissue wrap ornaments from largest to smallest and place in cups
  • Mode Podge scraps of wrapping paper to an empty wine box and place ornaments in tissue and put inside box. This is a great craft to do with kids of all ages.

 8.                   Rudolph With Your Nose So Bright

Christmas lights add a festive cheer to the décor but storing them can be a festive pain. Here are a couple of simple tips to store your Christmas lights.

  • Wrap small lights around an empty electrical spool. An old ribbon spool can do the trick too.
  • Cut a cardboard box to your liking and wind the lights around it. Place in a plastic container for easier storage to keep your lights from getting tangled

9.                      The More the Merrier

The Holiday season is about giving and receiving. There is nothing nicer then to receive a thoughtful holiday card. Not sure what to do with them at the end of the season. Here are some tips to use with those cards you just don’t want to throw away.

  • Keep them to cut out some of the pictures to make personal decorative tags next year
  • Make a card garland that you can hang along the mantelpiece or along the stairs
  • Make a collage and then put in a frame for a decorative print during the Holidays
  • Make some beautiful coasters


10.                   Pack and Purge

When the festivities are all over don’t be too quick to put it all away.  Take some time to assess your holiday décor and decide which pieces you can part with.  Each year most of us either buy new items or have them given to us. Now is a good time to start a new tradition. For every new item you must let one go. Difficult as it may seem the less we hold onto the easier it is to store items without being overrun with decorations. It also means the ones we hold onto each year are special and ones that will be cherished for generations


My name is Laurie Coish. My business is Innovative Solutions.

I am a Professional Organizer who offers services in organizing, staging, and décor consultations.  The main focus of my business is organizing and de-cluttering spaces. I work with Homeowners to organize kitchens, closets, basements, garages, and kids play areas.  My area of specialty is moves, downsizing, and working with seniors.

What is a Professional Organizer? It is someone who has had specialized training through the Professional Organizers of Canada. It is an Association that offers training and support to its members.  We have monthly chapter meetings for members in the Halton-Peel regions. I sit as a member of the Executive Committee – Secretary.

Professional Organizers help reduce stress and provide fewer issues with time, space, and storage!


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